
Managing in the COVID 5th Wave


各領先運營商已先後於其他國家經歷封城以及並設立 COVID 下的經營模式,他們將分享他們的經營模式以作討論及參考。




Hong Kong's 5th wave sees operators dealing with mass staff isolation, construction slowdown, customers asking for rent reductions, withdrawals and more.

Leading operators from Hong Kong and other countries that have managed through a lockdown and their own COVID waves will share how they are managing.

This is your chance to find out what other operators are doing and what is best practice and common practice in Hong Kong.

This is a chance to share and give your ideas. It can also help us to determine common standards for customer management.

This FREE event will be online.


Date: 24 March 2022 (Thu)

Time: 15:00 (HK time, GMT+8)

Venue: Online

Language: 廣東話 & English


1. Meeting details are subject to change and SSAA reserves the right to amend as required right up to and during the event.

2. For any queries, contact Heily Lai (heilylai@selfstorageasia.org).


This close door discussion is organised by


SSAA(HK) is sponsored by