Hong Kong Series #3:

Robotics + Ecommerce


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|Robotics + E-commerce|


Oliver Leung | Redbox Storage


Rio Chau | RV Automatic Technology Company

Alex Lee | Flexi Storage


Cutting edge technology is being used in logistics and warehousing and self storage is part of the solution. Two speakers will examine two trends that could heavily impact the future of self storage: robotics and ecommerce.

Rio Chau is with a firm that is offering robots to the logistics industry. Pick and pack and deliver? Robots can! They can also be used in self storage facilities to move lockers and improve efficient use of floor space. They can even be enlisted to improve your hygiene regimes.

While most self storage business is focused on the residential consumer, e-commerce using self storage is on the rise. Our speaker will talk about how they are attracting young ecommerce entrepreneurs, what their needs are and how to fulfill them.

Event Detail:

Date: 3 September 2020 (Thursday) 
Time: 15:00 (Hong Kong time, GMT+8)
Venue: ZOOM Conference
Language: Cantonese
Application Deadline: 2 September 2020 18:00 (Hong Kong time, GMT+8)


1. Above mentioned details are subject to change and SSAA has the final decision of the Webinar.

2. Notification email will be sent to you after registered. If you didn’t receive it, please feel free to contact us.

3. For any queries, you could contact Crystal Cheng (crystalcheng@selfstorageasia.org).


Video recording: